3 Lawn-Cutting Patterns for an Eye-Catching Lawn

Monday, 14 August 2023 | Gardener Expert
Posted in Garden Trader Blog

3 Lawn-Cutting Patterns for an Eye-Catching Lawn

When it comes to lawn care, there are many different ways to cut your grass. Each method has its own benefits and drawbacks. This blog post will provide a closer look at three popular cutting patterns: the zigzag pattern, the checkerboard pattern, and the wavy pattern. This article also discusses the pros and cons of each pattern to help you decide which one is right for you.


Zigzag Pattern

The zigzag pattern is the most popular lawn-cutting pattern. It's simple to do, and gives your lawn a clean, manicured look. The only downside to this method is that it can be time-consuming. If you have a large garden, it may take you a couple of hours to complete the job.

To follow this pattern, you should start by mowing two or three vertical strips at each end of your back-and-forth pattern so you have room to turn around after each horizontal pass. Then simply start at one end of your lawn and mow back and forth in a zigzag pattern. Be sure to slightly overlap each pass so that you don't leave any uncut grass behind. This method works best if your lawn is relatively flat. If you have a lot of hills or slopes in your garden, it may be difficult to follow this pattern without missing some spots.


Checkerboard Pattern

The checkerboard pattern is similar to the zigzag pattern but is slightly more complex. In this method, you will alternate between mowing horizontally and vertically. This gives your grass a unique look that is sure to turn heads. The downside to this method is that it can be challenging to get the perfect checkerboard effect. If you are not careful, you may end up with an uneven pattern. Another downside is that you’ll cover ground that you’ve already been over!

To create a checkerboard pattern, start by mowing a horizontal strip across your lawn. Then, turn and mow a vertical strip next to the first one. Continue alternating between horizontal and vertical strips until you have covered the entire lawn. Again, be sure to overlap each pass so that you don't leave any uncut grass behind.


Wavy Pattern

The wavy pattern is a great way to add some interest to your lawn. It can be challenging to follow this pattern, but the results can be worth it. Assuming your schedule allows for it, this is a great method to use if you want your grassy pride and joy to stand out from the rest.

To create a wavy pattern, start by creating one straight line across your lawn. Then, turn and create a slightly curvy line next to the first one. Continue alternating between straight and curvy lines until you have covered the entire lawn. As with the other patterns, be sure to overlap each pass so that you don't leave any uncut grass behind. The purpose of the first straight line is to create a guide for the rest of the pattern. If you find that your lines are getting too curvy, simply go back and straighten them out.


Final Thoughts

Mowing the lawn can become a monotonous chore if you do it the same way every week. But, by changing up your cutting pattern, you can add some variety to your garden’s appearance. You may be surprised at how much difference a simple change can make.


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